Friday, September 5, 2014

{to be known}

i'm sitting here in the hong kong airport, waiting for my flight to kunming.  taking advantage of the great wi-fi, i've been reading emails and facebook messages, while also making flashcards for all the kids at the beiliu orphanage.  (my goal is to know all of their names and stories by the end of my first visit there, next week.)

today i got a message from a family that brought tears (of joy and amazement) to my eyes.  
let me go back to last year... in november i was privileged to be in a room on the 2nd floor of an orphanage in beiliu.  it is there that i and my teammates found this little boy.  

from the moment i scooped him up out of his crib, he captured my heart.  his body was so frail and weak, but his smile and laughter so joyful and contagious.  

i remember feeling compelled to do something, anything, for him, but left feeling pretty much helpless.  i mean i got to feed him a few meals (that he seemed to thoroughly enjoy) and love on him, but the ~24 hours that i knew him didn't afford much. 

before leaving the orphanage, still feeling desperate to do something, i expressed to the directors (in my broken chinese) that he was my favorite and he should get to sleep and play where the other children do. then i left china and came home, but still couldn't get him out of my mind.  

below is a recent picture, one that was taken at the foster home where he's currently living. he looks to be thriving so much more than when i first met him.  oh how i'd love to kiss those cheeks!

the message i got today was from a family who is submitting their letter of intent to adopt him!  i stand amazed.  when i met him, the orphanage didn't know his exact age and wasn't clear on his medical background.  he couldn't walk or talk.  although i fell in love with him, i was afraid that he'd be a really difficult placement.  let's be honest, a lot of adoptive parents have their hearts set on young children (if not babies) who are healthy or have very minor health issues.  other than the chinese name that the orphanage gave him, he was basically otherwise unknown.  

while i don't yet know the ending to this little boy's story, even what has happened thus far demands my acknowledgment of god's plan and provision, even for those who have no voice, for those who appear (by us) to be unknown.  god knows.  i hope and pray that i can post a picture some day soon of him with his forever family and that he'll come to know the god who knows every single detail of his being.

i consider it such a privilege and honor to experience these stories first hand and hope to have many more testimonies of what god's doing in the lives of children like him over the next few months. 

Lord, you hear the desire of the afflicted;
    you will strengthen their heart; you will incline your ear

to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed,
    so that man who is of the earth may strike terror no more.

Psalm 10:17-18


Pam K said...

I have been thinking about you and your very long journey to the orphanange. You're likely going to be exhausted by the time you get there but I'm sure it will all be worth it. So happy to hear that the little boy who stole your heart is doing well...yep God definitely has his own plans for us doesn't he. I look forward to hearing more about your day to day experiences while your in China so I'll keep checking your blog. Take care and I miss you already!! Pam=)

Dana Woods Poynter said...

It is amazing to me that the fact you learned this upon arriving in Hong Kong, on the same date of his assigned birthday, is more confirmation that you are exactly where God wants you to be!!

Maureen said...

Hi April, from the day I heard about your trip to Beiliu I have been SO excited. I have a daughter from Beiliu and so those sweet children hold a very special place in my heart. I am going to share your journey on my blog soon. Thank you so much for going to love on these sweet children. I would love to talk to you at some point after your trip. I will be following along closely and keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Jamie said...

Hi April,
Thank you so much for what you are doing. We will be lifting you up while you are there and traveling. Thank you for caring for the kids at Beiliu. We are adopting a little girl from there, Guo Jiang Di (age 7) and should travel in November-early December. If you see her and get a chance, give her a big hug and tell her we love her. Thank you for sharing God's grace.

Michael and Jamie Hedges

Jocelyn said...

So glad that you made it safely. God has truly anointed you to do great things. Thank you for following His call. Looking forward to following your blog. Praying for you and the children you encounter.